Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a dataset and how is it different from a project?

A dataset is a virtual representation of records stored on BOLD. Records from multiple projects can be added to datasets allowing users to access the data while keeping the records in their original projects. Using datasets, records from multiple projects can be concatenated, analyzed, and even published without ever having to be moved from their original projects.

For example, if you are performing a three-year biodiversity study, you may wish to store the records on BOLD in projects based on the year they were collected. If you want to look at all of the Hymenoptera collected over the three years, you can add the appropriate records to a dataset. The records will stay organized in their year-based projects but you can access them all at once and even publish them to GenBank from the dataset. To simplify the publication process, you may also request a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from BOLD for public datasets. The DOI can be incorporated into the publication so readers will have quick and easy access to the data.

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