Barcodes: 19,231,820
Per Site:
1000 100 10 1

Please Note: The official launch of the 5th version of BOLD Systems has been scheduled to align with the COP16 conference on Oct 21, 2024. There will be soft launches scheduled in between now and then, without downtime.

Public Data Portal:

A data retrieval interface that allows for searching over 1.7M public records in BOLD using multiple search criteria including, but not limited to, geography, taxonomy, and depository.

Barcode Index Numbers:

A searchable database of Barcode Index Numbers (BINs), sequence clusters that closely approximate species.

DNA Barcode Education Portal:

A custom platform for educators and students to explore barcode data and contribute novel barcodes to the BOLD database.


An integrated data collection and analysis environment that securely supports the assembly and validation of DNA barcodes and ancillary sequences.

The Barcode of Life Data System is designed to support the generation and application of DNA barcode data. The platform consists of four main modules: a data portal, a database of barcode clusters, an educational portal, and a data collection workbench.

Sequence statistics


Species coverage (formally described)

Barcode clusters for animals (BINs) 1,151,012   Animals 258,885
All Sequences 21,226,478   Plants 72,225
Barcode Sequences 19,231,820   Fungi & Other Life 25,177

iBOL CFREF Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science Canada Foundation for Innovation NSERC