Xylophanes tayrona {species} - Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Sphingidae; Macroglossinae; Macroglossini; Xylophanes;

BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 15 Public Records: 3
Specimens with Sequences: 13 Public Species: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 13 Public BINs: 1
Species: 1          
Species With Barcodes: 1          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing specimens of Xylophanes tayrona
 ( - 2CO-1139)  @13 [ ] Copyright (2017) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris  ( - RROU00395)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2017) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris  ( - BC-Ivsh05147)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2020) Nikolay Ivshin Vavilov Institute of General Genetics
 ( - BC-Ivsh05147)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2020) Nikolay Ivshin Vavilov Institute of General Genetics  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04323)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04324)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle
 ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04326)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04327)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04328)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle
 ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04329)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04330)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04332)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle
 ( - BC-MNHN-LEP-04351)  @11 [ ] rodolphe.rougerie@mnhn.fr (2023) Rodolphe Rougerie Museum National d'histoire Naturelle  ( - BC-RBP 12048)  @11 [ ] copyright (2020) Ron Brechlin Research Collection of Ron Brechlin
  Sample ID:
BC-RBP 12048
copyright (2020)
  License Holder:
Ron Brechlin, Research Collection of Ron Brechlin

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