The Public Data Portal supports queries based on taxonomy(scientific names only), geography, attribution fields (i.e. collectors and taxonomists), specimen depositories, project or dataset codes, specimen and sequence identifiers (sampleids, museumids, processed, etc). Free text searches are allowed, the system will try to extract meaningful terms from the search. Search terms should be separated by a space, search terms containing more than one word ("United States" or "Mus musculus") should be wrapped in quotes.
Search examples (Searches are case insensitive):
Culicidae: will return all the mosquitoes in the database
Mammalia Aves: will return all the mammals and birds in the database. Using two terms under the same context (taxonomic in this case), returns all records that match either term.
Aves Peru: will return all the birds collected in Peru. Using two terms under a different context (taxonomic and geographic), returns records that only match both terms.
Hawaii -Chordata: will return all non-chordates, or invertebrates, collected in Hawaii. It is often necessary to exclude records based on a search criteria and is accomplished by adding a minus sign immediately in front of the search term.
"Biodiversity Institute of Ontario" Lepidoptera Florida: will return all moths and butterflies in the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario collection that were collected in Florida. Complex queries are possible by combining multiple search terms.
Search Guidelines:
No spaces in terms when using a multiterm seach (correct: "United States" Mammalia)
Negative symbol (-) is an exclusion operator which must be preceded by a space
If the same term appears in multiple contexts (i.e. "Florida" appears in both the geography list and in "University of Florida"). When using a free text search for the state Florida, employ the context clarification '[geo]' (eg Florida[geo]). Other context clarification tags are [tax], [ids], [inst], [researcher].
R. Andrew King, Ian P. Vaughan, James R. Bell, David A. Bohan and William O. C. Symondson Prey choice by carabid beetles feeding on an earthworm community analysed using species- and lineage-specific PCR primers. Molecular Ecology 2010-04-01;19(8):1721-1732 (PDF)
David Porco, Thibaud Decaëns, Louis Deharveng, Samuel W. James, Dariusz Skarżyński, Christer Erséus, Kevin R. Butt, Benoit Richard and Paul D. N. Hebert Biological invasions in soil: DNA barcoding as a monitoring tool in a multiple taxa survey targeting European earthworms and springtails in North America Biological Invasions 2012-09-12;15(9):899-910 (PDF)
R. Andrew King, Amy L. Tibble and William O. C. Symondson Opening a can of worms: unprecedented sympatric cryptic diversity within British lumbricid earthworms. Molecular Ecology 2008-11-01;17(21):4684-4698 (PDF)
Svante Martinsson, Yongde Cui, Patrick J. Martin, Adrian Pinder, Kirsty Quinlan, Mark J. Wetzel, Christer Erséus DNA-barcoding of invasive European earthworms (Clitellata: Lumbricidae) in south-western Australia Biological Invasions 2015-05-31;17(9):2527-2532 (PDF)
No tree is generated when there are less than 3 or more than 1000 public records.
Austria - [2]
France - [470]
Canada - [295]
United States - [52]
Denmark - [2]
United Kingdom - [7]
Sweden - [513]
Norway - [39]
Germany - [7]
New Zealand - [6]
South Africa - [1]
Russia - [35]
Australia - [11]
Ireland - [4]
Poland - [3]
Belarus - [71]
Public Data:
Private Data:
Lise Dupont - [232] CBG Project Management Team - [34] Virginie Roy - [5] David Porco - [114] Sandi Willows-Munro - [1] Lifescanner Team - [3] Emmanuel Lapied - [1] Charles S Walker - [184] Matthew P Besley - [5] Thibaud Decaens - [83] Carol Melody - [6] Marten Klinth - [530] Svante Martinsson - [11] Marie Eugenie Maggia - [239] Rodolphe Rougerie - [20]
Julien Brisset - [16] Marie Eugenie Maggia - [19] Stefan Schmidt - [3] Marten Klinth - [32]
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre - [2]
Canadian Museum of Nature - [258]
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics - [48]
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, Informatics Department - [3]
Chulalongkorn University, Natural History Museum - [2]
Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement, Montpellier - [3]
KwaZulu-Natal Museum - [1]
Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection - [1]
McGill University, Department of Biology - [2]
Mined from GenBank, NCBI - [184]
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle - [33]
Natural History Museum, London - [5]
Norwegian University of Life Sciences - [1]
Research Collection of Sam James - [42]
SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - [3]
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - [447]
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station - [2]
Universite Montpellier 3 - [5]
Universite Montpellier, CEFE Lab - [56]
Universite Paris, Biogeochimie et ecologie des milieux continentaux - [11]
Universite Paris-Est Creteil - [237]
Universite de Montpellier - [22]
University College Dublin - [4]
University of Bergen, Zoological Museum - [20]
University of Gothenburg - [87]
University of Oslo, Natural History Museum - [8]
University of Rouen, ECODIV Laboratory - [40]
Western Australian Museum - [11]
Sequencing Centers:
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding - [3] Centre for Biodiversity Genomics - [469] Institute of ecology and environmental sciences of Paris - [221] Natural History Museum, London - [5] SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - [3] University of Gothenburg - [11] University of Oslo, Natural History Museum - [8]