The Public Data Portal supports queries based on taxonomy(scientific names only), geography, attribution fields (i.e. collectors and taxonomists), specimen depositories, project or dataset codes, specimen and sequence identifiers (sampleids, museumids, processed, etc). Free text searches are allowed, the system will try to extract meaningful terms from the search. Search terms should be separated by a space, search terms containing more than one word ("United States" or "Mus musculus") should be wrapped in quotes.
Search examples (Searches are case insensitive):
Culicidae: will return all the mosquitoes in the database
Mammalia Aves: will return all the mammals and birds in the database. Using two terms under the same context (taxonomic in this case), returns all records that match either term.
Aves Peru: will return all the birds collected in Peru. Using two terms under a different context (taxonomic and geographic), returns records that only match both terms.
Hawaii -Chordata: will return all non-chordates, or invertebrates, collected in Hawaii. It is often necessary to exclude records based on a search criteria and is accomplished by adding a minus sign immediately in front of the search term.
"Biodiversity Institute of Ontario" Lepidoptera Florida: will return all moths and butterflies in the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario collection that were collected in Florida. Complex queries are possible by combining multiple search terms.
Search Guidelines:
No spaces in terms when using a multiterm seach (correct: "United States" Mammalia)
Negative symbol (-) is an exclusion operator which must be preceded by a space
If the same term appears in multiple contexts (i.e. "Florida" appears in both the geography list and in "University of Florida"). When using a free text search for the state Florida, employ the context clarification '[geo]' (eg Florida[geo]). Other context clarification tags are [tax], [ids], [inst], [researcher].
Dirk Steinke, Tyler S. Zemlak, James A. Boutillier and Paul D. N. Hebert DNA barcoding of Pacific Canada’s fishes Marine Biology 2009-09-01;156(12):2641-2647 (PDF)
Catherine W. Mecklenburg, Peter Rask Møller and Dirk Steinke Biodiversity of arctic marine fishes: taxonomy and zoogeography Marine Biodiversity 2010-12-01;41(1):109-140 (PDF)
Rasmussen,RS,Rosalee S;Morrissey,MT,Michael T;Hebert,PD,Paul D N DNA barcoding of commercially important salmon and trout species (Oncorhynchus and Salmo) from North America. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009-09-23;57(18):8379-8385 (PDF)
Günther, Babett; Michael J. Raupach; Thomas Knebelsberger Full-length and mini-length DNA barcoding for the identification of seafood commercially traded in Germany Food Control 2016-10-16;73(Part B):922–929 (PDF)
Mitchell A, Rothbart A, Frankham G, Johnson RN, Neaves LE. Could do better! A high school market survey of fish labelling in Sydney, Australia, using DNA barcodes. PeerJ 2019-06-14;7(e7138):1 (PDF)
Cooper, Jason K.; Sykes, Greg; King, Steve; Cottrill, Karin; Ivanova, Natalia V.; Hanner, Robert; Ikonomi, Pranvera Species identification in cell culture: a two-pronged molecular approach. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 2007-10-13;43(10):344-351 (PDF)
Sujeevan Ratnasingham and Paul D. N. Hebert A DNA-Based Registry for All Animal Species: The Barcode Index Number (BIN) System PLoS ONE 2013-07-13;8(7):e66213 (PDF)
J. April, R. L. Mayden, R. H. Hanner and L. Bernatchez Genetic calibration of species diversity among North America's freshwater fishes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2011-06-13;108(26):10602-10607 (PDF)
Nicolas Hubert, Robert Hanner, Erling Holm, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Eric Taylor, Mary Burridge, Douglas Watkinson, Pierre Dumont, Allen Curry, Paul Bentzen, Junbin Zhang, Julien April and Louis Bernatchez Identifying Canadian Freshwater Fishes through DNA Barcodes PLoS ONE 2008-06-18;3(6):e2490 (PDF)
Color & Label Scheme:
Exception - Culture - [1]
United States - [216]
New Zealand - [8]
Canada - [50]
Germany - [3]
Australia - [1]
Pacific Ocean - [8]
China - [1]
South Korea - [1]
Public Data:
Private Data:
Rosalee S Hellberg - [230] Charles S Walker - [25] Dirk Steinke - [12] Robert Hanner - [1] Babett Guenther - [3] Melanie V. Roy - [4] Student Portal Manager - [2] Matt Lemay - [7] Matthew RJ Morris - [1] Jason Cooper - [2] Sharon A. Appleyard - [2] Nicolas Hubert - [8]
Heather E. Braid - [10] Taylor J Kim - [1]
Specimen Images:
DSFAL239-07 {Oncorhynchus tshawytscha}
Copyright (2010)
License Holder:
Catherine Mecklenburg, California Academy of Sciences
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, Informatics Department - [1]
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Marine Biodiversitaetsforschung - [3]
Hakai Institute - [7]
Mined from GenBank, NCBI - [24]
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - [4]
Oregon State University - [214]
Royal British Columbia Museum - [6]
Royal Ontario Museum - [4]
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Pacific Regional Laboratory Northwest - [16]
University of Guelph - [1]
University of New England - [1]
Sequencing Centers:
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding - [1] Centre for Biodiversity Genomics - [243] Chapman University - [16] Generic Commercial Labs - [2] Macrogen, Korea - [10] National Research Council, Saskatoon - [4]
B. A. Holladay - [1] B.C. - [1] Babett Guenther - [3] C. W. Mecklenburg - [1] Carolyn Bergstrom - [1] Credit Valley Conservation: Holm - [1] Department of Fisheries and Oceans - [2] E. - [1] Fisheries and Oceans Canada - [1] G Yearsley (CSIRO) - [2] Heather / Taylor - [1] Jim Boutillier - [1] Katy Hind - [4] Ken Fong - [4] Micaiah Simanan - [1] Nate Roop - [1] Pacific Biological Station - [1] Robert Devlin - [8] Sanford - [4] Unknown - [1]
Specimen Identification:
Babett Guenther - [3] Carl Struthers - [4] Catherine W. Mecklenburg - [1] Dennis Rutherford - [1] E. Holm - [4] Gordon Yearsley - [3] Katy R. Hind - [4] Martin Krkosek - [1] Student - [2]